Friday May 2nd
Meet & Greet at our camp: (mid afternoon - 9:00pm - we’ll have hot dogs & some cold drinks)
723 Old North Creek Rd.
Emporium, PA 15834
Saturday May 3rd
(Total trip from start to finish is 65 miles)
Start at the Buttonwood Motel & Restaurant - 7:00-7:30 for breakfast.
Leave @ 9:00 - arrive @ 9:30 “top of the world” lookout.
Leave @ 10:00 - arrive @ 11:00 elk viewing center.
Leave @ noon - arrive @ 12:10 Benezette Hotel for lunch. (There is a gas station around the corner)
Leave @ 1:30 - arrive 2:45 Straub Brewery.
End to run.
St. Mary’s:
Best Western Hotel 814-834-0000
Holiday Inn Express 814-834-2030
The Benezette Hotel is going to reserve a section for us.
I need a head count, no later than April 22nd
Please contact me w/ questions:
Jeff Abriatis